I felt pretty accomplished last night. I finished a journal. Yes, it took me a year and a half... yes, it was only 80 pages out of a regular notebook (the rest were drawings, doodles, or misc. notes... and thus torn out), but still! I am always so happy to finish a journal. I feel like I've left yet another 'snoozer' for my posterity to read later in life. Ha.
Actually..... I'm not sure if I'd let my kids, or later generations (in the event I'm never blessed with children), read my journals. The early years are harmless enough... but my journaling from the last three years has moments of true insanity :P My kids could use it against me later in life.....
As I went to put the latest completed volume on the shelf, I decided to visit memory lane. I grabbed my six completed volumes, spanning eight years or so, and began to browse. I laughed at what I'd written about in 2004, and was happy to revisit some pleasant memories. I thought so differently back then. I was worried about friends in junior high, my HORRIBLE haircut, and what mom made for dinner. Then, things changed.
The journals I've kept since West Ridge have seemed deeper. There are times you can tell I'm writing for an audience, in case I was unfortunate enough to have an actual reader for the pages. I'm vague, and happy-go-lucky. There are other times when it's obvious that I am so overwhelmed and have no where else to vent. I'm dramatic... and write colorful words :P Well, I am a colorful character :) But mostly, I'm just writing to write, to organize my thoughts, to leave a story.
The nice thing about keeping a journal, and having kept a journal in the past, is that I can see how I've changed, and how I've grown. I am not so shallow and materialistic. I don't worry so much about the here and the now. The real changes in my writing happened about half way through West Ridge, when I was afraid I was going to lose my mom. Suddenly, the big picture came into view. The issues I thought were big were suddenly miniature, and the issues I'd been ignoring suddenly seemed pressing. Since then, I have ALWAYS tried to remember the grand scheme of things. What's eternal.... what's not.
As I read through this last journal, I couldn't help but feel a little pang of loneliness. It's hard when the main character of a story goes missing. It's even harder when multiple characters disappear. I've lost some main characters in my life. I think I fell in love, and had my heart broken. I lost a friendship that, though harmful at times, still brought a LOT of the joy that filled my days. But, I can also read through and smile at the new memories and friends I've created. I may have lost the old characters, but new characters took their place, and brought back the joy.
I'm excited to start a new journal. I'm trying to find a fancy one, something that will last. I'm determined to TRULY document 2012. I'm quite addicted to Vampire Diaries, and I want to journal the way Elena does. I'm not going to write for an audience, or worry if someone reads it. A journal is my own personal story, and I'm excited to write one titled 'The True Happenings of 2012."
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