I've made progress in the last couple of weeks. In different ways. I've discovered I'm a two steps forward, one step back, kind of girl. I like to keep the journey interesting... and by interesting, I mean difficult and slow. I'll probably pass out over the finish line some day. #truestory
I'm eating healthy for breakfast now! I take a jar of steel cut oats, fruit, chia seeds, and almond milk to work with me every morning. And I love to eat it! For lunch at work, I'd say I'm about 70/30 on eating healthy. I have a bunch of chicken frozen that I can cook to go on top of salads. I still struggle to stay away from soda during the day.... I've caved 2 of the last 4 days. I'm working on it though! Dinner.................. I'm just not going to talk about it. 0 effort there.
My biggest obstacle that I've yet to attempt to beat is pure laziness. In order to succeed, I have to set a strict schedule for myself that would resemble something like this:
7:15-8:15 - GET READY - (like actually do my hair - scary thought, I know)
8:30-5:00- WORK (with prepped breakfast, snacks, and lunch)
5:30 - DINNER (healthy!)
6:00-8:00 - HOMEWORK (the struggle is REAL)
8:15-9:45 - DRIVE (or edit photos, whichever is on the agenda)
10:00 - BED (as in sleep)
What my schedule looks like now:
5:30 - ALARM GOES OFF (turn it off, roll over)
8:00 - WAKE UP (throw clothes on, hair in bun, no makeup)
8:45 - LEAVE FOR WORK (hope there's no traffic and I'm on time)
9:00-5:00- WORK (while going to lunch and sometimes breakfast)
5:30 - HOME FOR DINNER (sometimes in the fridge or food I grabbed on the way home)
10:30 - IN BED (not sleeping)
12:00 - SLEEPING (idiot)
And I wonder why I'm always in the same rut... Oh wait, no I don't.That is an inactive, lazy lifestyle. And I need to fight my own bad habits and beat it!!!
So, my goal for this next week, now that I've mastered breakfast, is GETTING TO BED ON TIME. 10:30 at the latest!! And I'll add on a firm commitment to the salad lunch routine at work. Wish me luck!!! :)
Live. . . Laugh. . . Love
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Consolidating.... and I Hate Being Fat
I thought about making a new blog again, but I loved this one so much, I figured I would start adding to it again.
To start - my life is a shit show. And of course, I am the one who made it this way. I'm trying to figure away to dig my way out, but it's a slow, arduous process.
Tonight, I wish to discuss the biggest issue in my life.... literally. Also known as, my weight. I think back to a few years ago, when I was steadily losing weight through daily exercise and healthy eating, and I can't, for the life of me, remember my "motivation." But after I switched jobs and lost focus, boy, did it all go to hell. And quickly, too.
I stopped exercising completely. I went back to my copious amounts of soda and deep affection for anything fried. I avoided vegetables like they were a collection agency, and I'm pretty sure I achieved a record low of "100" steps per day - if my phone is to be believed.
Now, here I sit, a mere 180 lbs overweight, contemplating whether I want to go to the grocery store and get items to meal prep.... or go and grab a milkshake. Of course, the meal prepping will win, but the milkshake side of my brain is putting up a hell of a fight. But even with the internal struggle, I have a reason to go and choose boring chicken and veggies in a tupperware. Plain and simple, I'm tired. (SPOILER ALERT; This is pretty much a bitch fest/ vent session. Whine will be served.)
I'm tired of wondering every day why my clothes keep getting smaller and smaller. (No - I'm not actually wondering, duh. I just like to pretend to be ignorant to my size.) It's exhausting to be terrified of any department store, and any item of clothing that might be my size. I've worn the same 10 outfits for almost 3 years now, with jeans being the only item to cycle out - stupid thighs. I despise clothes shopping almost as much as I despise my triple chin. Almost.
I'm really over being sent into a panic attack over every single item of furniture I may encounter in public. I broke one of my sister's dining chairs, and that was sitting down gently. True story. I'm pretty scared of my own kitchen table, and my couch. I rarely like to eat at a restaurant, as I'm almost positive their main goal is to terrorize the obese population. I've never really been a fan of trying to suction my body between the seat and the table... my rolls of stomach fat spilling over to mingle with my dinner plate.
Stairs, along with considerable distances of any kind, are officially my nemesis in this life. I wish the smart people of the universe would come up with a portable escalator to accommodate my manic laziness. Alas, they're probably out there trying to solve global warming and world hunger, so my first world problems are on the back burner for now. But seriously, stairs are the devil. I rarely visit the basement at my dad's house due to the fact that I hate the return journey. When my younger sister and I visited Laguna Beach, I traversed a small staircase, and was actually proud that I only stopped 3 or 4 times. Guys, it was pretty much the most pathetic staircase ever, and I was practically crawling my way up, considering dictating my last will and testament to the homeless guy watching me. What he must have thought of the girl who couldn't make it up stairs because she ate TOO much food. Jeez.
I love being outdoors, but I hate trails and hikes of any kind. I've stopped hiking - you never want to be the "pace setter." That's never a compliment. My amount of walking in a day consists of: apartment to car, car to office, office to car, car to apartment - with some variations of a trip to the grocery store. That is my TOTAL amount of exercise in a day. You combine that with my adoration for sugary, fizzy garbage and my aversion to all things green and living, and you've got yourself one nasty, should-be-dead cocktail. I like to call it the "obesitini."
I can tell the people around me are tired of my jokes - considering the fact that I'm the butt of them 99% of the time, I don't blame them. I'm not surprised I didn't get a return text the other night when I told someone I wanted to harpoon myself. Good Lord. But honestly, I feel like I need to do this. If I make myself the joke, then I can attempt to control who's laughing at me. They're laughing because I invited them too - or rather forced. It's so much easier to handle than the ones who laugh and jeer when they think I'm not looking. I'd much rather make people uncomfortable with my own line of fat jokes, featuring me, than to see the pity and judgement in their eyes. I can get through the laughs and the comments, if I elicited them directly. They're so much harder to take when they're unbidden, and unwelcome.
I want to be happy again. Every day- I look in the mirror, and all I can think is "Look at this monster I've created." The soundtrack of words that runs through my head on a daily basis might contain excerpts like: Hideous, whale, disgusting, pathetic, big as a house, ugly, sad, alone, worthless, revolting...." And many more. I could release a whole album of negative talk about myself. An album per day. That's so sad!! No one should hate themselves, and I have buried myself so deep in self hatred, it's hard to see any good anymore. I get extremely uncomfortable when anyone pays me a compliment or praises something I do. I find myself more open and receptive to negative communication of any kind. I've put myself in a mire of shit talk, and I enjoy other people's company there, instead of trying to get out of the muck.
Loneliness gets to you after a while. I can tell I make people uncomfortable with my jokes and my insecurities. I second guess every single thing I say, and rehash any mistake I've made with friends over and over again like game footage in my mind. I am terrified to every invite anyone to do anything - I feel like I'm pushing myself onto them. I don't trust that people actually want to be around me, so I stick to family (and one best friend), and a hell of a lot of loneliness. I'm big enough to be two people, so that counts, right?
I'd love to say that I'm totally only track, that I'm ready to kick my disorder in the butt, that I've got a plan for total success. Sadly, no. I know I'm on my way to something good, but I also know that my biggest obstacle is myself, and this will be slow. Today, I'm tired and venting. Tomorrow, I'll have a little less weight on my shoulders, and I can move forward a little more. Because I'm tired of being tired.
To start - my life is a shit show. And of course, I am the one who made it this way. I'm trying to figure away to dig my way out, but it's a slow, arduous process.
Tonight, I wish to discuss the biggest issue in my life.... literally. Also known as, my weight. I think back to a few years ago, when I was steadily losing weight through daily exercise and healthy eating, and I can't, for the life of me, remember my "motivation." But after I switched jobs and lost focus, boy, did it all go to hell. And quickly, too.
I stopped exercising completely. I went back to my copious amounts of soda and deep affection for anything fried. I avoided vegetables like they were a collection agency, and I'm pretty sure I achieved a record low of "100" steps per day - if my phone is to be believed.
Now, here I sit, a mere 180 lbs overweight, contemplating whether I want to go to the grocery store and get items to meal prep.... or go and grab a milkshake. Of course, the meal prepping will win, but the milkshake side of my brain is putting up a hell of a fight. But even with the internal struggle, I have a reason to go and choose boring chicken and veggies in a tupperware. Plain and simple, I'm tired. (SPOILER ALERT; This is pretty much a bitch fest/ vent session. Whine will be served.)
I'm tired of wondering every day why my clothes keep getting smaller and smaller. (No - I'm not actually wondering, duh. I just like to pretend to be ignorant to my size.) It's exhausting to be terrified of any department store, and any item of clothing that might be my size. I've worn the same 10 outfits for almost 3 years now, with jeans being the only item to cycle out - stupid thighs. I despise clothes shopping almost as much as I despise my triple chin. Almost.
I'm really over being sent into a panic attack over every single item of furniture I may encounter in public. I broke one of my sister's dining chairs, and that was sitting down gently. True story. I'm pretty scared of my own kitchen table, and my couch. I rarely like to eat at a restaurant, as I'm almost positive their main goal is to terrorize the obese population. I've never really been a fan of trying to suction my body between the seat and the table... my rolls of stomach fat spilling over to mingle with my dinner plate.
Stairs, along with considerable distances of any kind, are officially my nemesis in this life. I wish the smart people of the universe would come up with a portable escalator to accommodate my manic laziness. Alas, they're probably out there trying to solve global warming and world hunger, so my first world problems are on the back burner for now. But seriously, stairs are the devil. I rarely visit the basement at my dad's house due to the fact that I hate the return journey. When my younger sister and I visited Laguna Beach, I traversed a small staircase, and was actually proud that I only stopped 3 or 4 times. Guys, it was pretty much the most pathetic staircase ever, and I was practically crawling my way up, considering dictating my last will and testament to the homeless guy watching me. What he must have thought of the girl who couldn't make it up stairs because she ate TOO much food. Jeez.
I love being outdoors, but I hate trails and hikes of any kind. I've stopped hiking - you never want to be the "pace setter." That's never a compliment. My amount of walking in a day consists of: apartment to car, car to office, office to car, car to apartment - with some variations of a trip to the grocery store. That is my TOTAL amount of exercise in a day. You combine that with my adoration for sugary, fizzy garbage and my aversion to all things green and living, and you've got yourself one nasty, should-be-dead cocktail. I like to call it the "obesitini."
I can tell the people around me are tired of my jokes - considering the fact that I'm the butt of them 99% of the time, I don't blame them. I'm not surprised I didn't get a return text the other night when I told someone I wanted to harpoon myself. Good Lord. But honestly, I feel like I need to do this. If I make myself the joke, then I can attempt to control who's laughing at me. They're laughing because I invited them too - or rather forced. It's so much easier to handle than the ones who laugh and jeer when they think I'm not looking. I'd much rather make people uncomfortable with my own line of fat jokes, featuring me, than to see the pity and judgement in their eyes. I can get through the laughs and the comments, if I elicited them directly. They're so much harder to take when they're unbidden, and unwelcome.
I want to be happy again. Every day- I look in the mirror, and all I can think is "Look at this monster I've created." The soundtrack of words that runs through my head on a daily basis might contain excerpts like: Hideous, whale, disgusting, pathetic, big as a house, ugly, sad, alone, worthless, revolting...." And many more. I could release a whole album of negative talk about myself. An album per day. That's so sad!! No one should hate themselves, and I have buried myself so deep in self hatred, it's hard to see any good anymore. I get extremely uncomfortable when anyone pays me a compliment or praises something I do. I find myself more open and receptive to negative communication of any kind. I've put myself in a mire of shit talk, and I enjoy other people's company there, instead of trying to get out of the muck.
Loneliness gets to you after a while. I can tell I make people uncomfortable with my jokes and my insecurities. I second guess every single thing I say, and rehash any mistake I've made with friends over and over again like game footage in my mind. I am terrified to every invite anyone to do anything - I feel like I'm pushing myself onto them. I don't trust that people actually want to be around me, so I stick to family (and one best friend), and a hell of a lot of loneliness. I'm big enough to be two people, so that counts, right?
I'd love to say that I'm totally only track, that I'm ready to kick my disorder in the butt, that I've got a plan for total success. Sadly, no. I know I'm on my way to something good, but I also know that my biggest obstacle is myself, and this will be slow. Today, I'm tired and venting. Tomorrow, I'll have a little less weight on my shoulders, and I can move forward a little more. Because I'm tired of being tired.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Trying To Breathe
I don't know what's been wrong with me these last couple of weeks. I have felt like I can't breathe. Like I'm constantly tired, out of breath, and having a really bad migraine.
I think I bit off more than I could chew with two jobs. It's been nice to have the extra money... but it wasn't needed. I've just worked myself into the ground, and I don't know where I'm going to pull my energy when it's time to go back to school. I'm letting my boss know that I won't be able to work when school starts, and while I'll miss parts of the job, I'm happy to let it go.
I'm beyond excited to go back to school, but I'm nervous too. It's been a while. I'm still the same shy, socially awkard girl that I was four years ago. I had hoped to make all the necessary changed before I went back to school. Lost all of this stupid weight, acquired the self confidence I desired, and learned how to stand on my own two feet. Incomplete, incomplete, and.... half complete. I don't think I'm ready, but I have to get back into school.... unless I don't want to graduate until I'm thirty....
I've lost a total of 20 pounds (including the six I gained back). I've come to accept that the weight loss process isn't going to go the speed that I want, but I'm happy, VERY happy, with the progress that I've made. I am learning discipline, and it's nice to feel my clothes getting baggy. I just need to learn how to love myself, regardless of my appearance. If I don't find myself beautiful and wonderful, how can I expect others to do the same? WORK IN PROGRESS....
I miss my friends. All the time. Constantly. I think about them all the time, wondering how they're doing. And I'm always tempted to text them, and apologize, even if I don't know what I'm apologizing for. Then I hear things, catch wind of rumors. I have to take a step back. Things haven't changed. It's not the right time. I still have a lot of growing up to do. We all do. Sometimes... it's hard to be jealous of your friends. And to wonder all the time. That's really where the can't breathe feeling comes from.... can I trust them? Are they honest with me TO my face? Or behind my back? I'd jump in front of a bullet for them, but will they catch me when I fall? So many questions... that's not good. I really just need to forgive, forget, and move on.
I'm so beyond grateful for the few wonderful friends that I do have. They're pretty much a sister and a brother to me. I'm blessed beyond belief to have an amazing family as well. My sisters and my cousins are my best friends, as well as my parents and my aunts and uncles. I'm glad that we can get together so often, and have the greatest of times.
I may not be able to breathe, but I'm not dead yet. I'm going to continue to live. And to laugh. And, most importantly, to love.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Summer Lovin'
Oh my goodness. The past couple of months have been crazy!!!!!
A little update on my life.
I registered for school in the Fall. )#($*&%*@Y^!^(%$!!!!!!! I'm beyond excited :) I've got three classes I'm looking at, and they're all about writing for digital media, using the programs, etc. I'm so psyched! I can't wait to get in a studio and start making some music! UVU here I come!
Oh... another good little snippet. I've lost 14 pounds so far! I have two more months to make my goal of 40 altogether for the summer! Just 26 more to go :) I honestly feel SO good. I love going running... Not. Haha. But I'm getting there. I love the feeling of getting smaller, feeling healthier, and having more energy. It's amazing.
The biggest bit of news??? I GOT A NEW APARTMENT! Yaayyyyyyy!!!! I love it, I love it, I love it! It's so cute! Very updated, with painted walls, and I've already added a lot of vinyl wall lettering... I know. I'm a dork. I love having everything I need, and not having to worry about it. I'm pretty darn proud of myself.
It's always intrigued me, how life turns out. It's usually never taking you down the path you started on.... there are a lot of off and on ramps. It's weird not being around the people you were around constantly, and feeling like it's just the way things are. I honestly wonder why I get the inspirations... or prompts... that I do. Sometimes they make no sense! I'm so grateful that Hanna and I can still talk all the time, even though we're miles apart. She's the best roommate I'll ever have... even though I'm never having them again. Haha.
I miss old friends. I really do. All the time. There's times when I remember some amazing memories, and I'm so tempted to pick up the phone and shoot off a text. But... I need to remember why I made the decisions that I did. I deserve great relationships in life, as does everyone! I never want to feel like I am being talked about, lied to, or used. It was rare when that happened, but everyone deserves to have happy, fulfilling, GIVE and take relationships! We deserve the best in life!
I'm trying to find the best now. The best in me. The best in my future. Who knows... maybe the best features the tall dark handsome Italian man that I dream about all the time.... Hehe.
Live, Laugh, and Love everyone! Always!
A little update on my life.
I registered for school in the Fall. )#($*&%*@Y^!^(%$!!!!!!! I'm beyond excited :) I've got three classes I'm looking at, and they're all about writing for digital media, using the programs, etc. I'm so psyched! I can't wait to get in a studio and start making some music! UVU here I come!
Oh... another good little snippet. I've lost 14 pounds so far! I have two more months to make my goal of 40 altogether for the summer! Just 26 more to go :) I honestly feel SO good. I love going running... Not. Haha. But I'm getting there. I love the feeling of getting smaller, feeling healthier, and having more energy. It's amazing.
The biggest bit of news??? I GOT A NEW APARTMENT! Yaayyyyyyy!!!! I love it, I love it, I love it! It's so cute! Very updated, with painted walls, and I've already added a lot of vinyl wall lettering... I know. I'm a dork. I love having everything I need, and not having to worry about it. I'm pretty darn proud of myself.
It's always intrigued me, how life turns out. It's usually never taking you down the path you started on.... there are a lot of off and on ramps. It's weird not being around the people you were around constantly, and feeling like it's just the way things are. I honestly wonder why I get the inspirations... or prompts... that I do. Sometimes they make no sense! I'm so grateful that Hanna and I can still talk all the time, even though we're miles apart. She's the best roommate I'll ever have... even though I'm never having them again. Haha.
I miss old friends. I really do. All the time. There's times when I remember some amazing memories, and I'm so tempted to pick up the phone and shoot off a text. But... I need to remember why I made the decisions that I did. I deserve great relationships in life, as does everyone! I never want to feel like I am being talked about, lied to, or used. It was rare when that happened, but everyone deserves to have happy, fulfilling, GIVE and take relationships! We deserve the best in life!
I'm trying to find the best now. The best in me. The best in my future. Who knows... maybe the best features the tall dark handsome Italian man that I dream about all the time.... Hehe.
Live, Laugh, and Love everyone! Always!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Growing Up
I love the movie Peter Pan. I used to dream as a kid that I would never have to become a grown up. Life as a permanent kid would be awesome! Cartoons, dolls, playing with friends, mediocre school work that involved blocks and treats, and Mom cooking every day. *Sigh* That would be the life.... Ha.
Growing up is hard. It's hard to go to work every day. It's hard to go through challenging coursework knowing you'll just graduate to get a job and work some more. It can be difficult being on your own, cooking, cleaning, and bringing home the bacon.... But wait.
I'm on my way to being something great! I love my job. The ladies I assist are the greatest, I have a great boss and fun coworkers. I have my own car that I paid for, an apartment that I've fully furnished by myself. I live with my best friend. I'm going to school to work in something I love. MUSIC. Maybe growing up isn't so bad :-)
But it isn't all about work and school and being in your own. In the past year, I've learned so much. Like picking my battles. I think I'm realizing what's worth fighting for and what's not. When to hold on and when to let go. There's been times where choosing to let go has ripped me apart, but I knew it was the right thing to do. And there's been times where holding on has blessed me.
I want to be the best I can be, and I know there are still changes to be made. I am going to be a good grown up :-P I've learned so many lessons. I'm going to keep my mouth shut about others. I'm not in high school. If I need to vent, it will only be to my various "mothers." They're good at listening, and I'm pretty sure it's not passed on. Others turned me into a gossiper... And that's not who I want to be. So no more.
I'm going to rely on my family (close friends count here too) for love and support. They will always be there for me, I see that now. I love them with all my heart.
Everyone deserves to have all the happiness in the world, and I'm going to find mine, work for it, and keep it.
Cheers to growing up :-D
Growing up is hard. It's hard to go to work every day. It's hard to go through challenging coursework knowing you'll just graduate to get a job and work some more. It can be difficult being on your own, cooking, cleaning, and bringing home the bacon.... But wait.
I'm on my way to being something great! I love my job. The ladies I assist are the greatest, I have a great boss and fun coworkers. I have my own car that I paid for, an apartment that I've fully furnished by myself. I live with my best friend. I'm going to school to work in something I love. MUSIC. Maybe growing up isn't so bad :-)
But it isn't all about work and school and being in your own. In the past year, I've learned so much. Like picking my battles. I think I'm realizing what's worth fighting for and what's not. When to hold on and when to let go. There's been times where choosing to let go has ripped me apart, but I knew it was the right thing to do. And there's been times where holding on has blessed me.
I want to be the best I can be, and I know there are still changes to be made. I am going to be a good grown up :-P I've learned so many lessons. I'm going to keep my mouth shut about others. I'm not in high school. If I need to vent, it will only be to my various "mothers." They're good at listening, and I'm pretty sure it's not passed on. Others turned me into a gossiper... And that's not who I want to be. So no more.
I'm going to rely on my family (close friends count here too) for love and support. They will always be there for me, I see that now. I love them with all my heart.
Everyone deserves to have all the happiness in the world, and I'm going to find mine, work for it, and keep it.
Cheers to growing up :-D
Monday, April 23, 2012
Forgotten No More
Oh my goodness I haven't been on here in FOREVER! Whoops!
Here's an update to my life!
I'm still living with Hanna, and Robin is still very much a part of our lives. We have all sorts of adventures around Salt Lake... and recently St. George, and it's a lot of fun.
I'm so excited to start school again in the fall. The more I learn about my program, the more madly in love with it I am. SO excited!
I was very excited to welcome home a close friend of mine from Guatemala. I love my cousins. So much. Elder Taylor Ririe came home, and Sky got married! Holy Cow! The kids I took baths with and had sleepovers are all grown up :)
Life is good. Can't complain. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes it becomes beyond hard. But I'm grateful to have an amazing family, and others, on my side. I've grown a lot in the last few months alone, and I'm happy about the changes I'm making.
Live. Laugh. Love
Here's an update to my life!
I'm still living with Hanna, and Robin is still very much a part of our lives. We have all sorts of adventures around Salt Lake... and recently St. George, and it's a lot of fun.
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At a Utah Jazz Game |
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The Fesitval of Colors |
I'm so excited to start school again in the fall. The more I learn about my program, the more madly in love with it I am. SO excited!
I was very excited to welcome home a close friend of mine from Guatemala. I love my cousins. So much. Elder Taylor Ririe came home, and Sky got married! Holy Cow! The kids I took baths with and had sleepovers are all grown up :)
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Taylor, Zack and I at the airport! Welcome Home! |
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I hate my face in this, but handsome groom Sky looks studly ;) |
Life is good. Can't complain. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes it becomes beyond hard. But I'm grateful to have an amazing family, and others, on my side. I've grown a lot in the last few months alone, and I'm happy about the changes I'm making.
Live. Laugh. Love
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Post Valentine's Day
*Sigh* It's here. Finally..... HALF-PRICE CANDY!!!! :P
No, but honestly, Valentine's Day just cracks me up. I can't help but conceal a giggle when people talk about it. My friends seem to be divided on the day. It's either overrated, or absolutely perfect. But I saw on someone's FB a really good way to look at it. We should be thankful all year round, but we still have Thanksgiving. We should be celebrating Christ's birth all year round, but we still have Christmas. We should love our mothers and fathers every moment, but they still have special days too. Valentine's Day is just a day to show some EXTRA love.
So, to all my precious Valentine's- Mom, Dad, Morgan (Shane and Lexie), Savannah, Brooklyn, Liberty, all my aunts and uncles and my cousins, Hanna, Robin, Allysa, and all my friends.... I LOVE YOU!
Hope you all had a Happy Heart Day :)
No, but honestly, Valentine's Day just cracks me up. I can't help but conceal a giggle when people talk about it. My friends seem to be divided on the day. It's either overrated, or absolutely perfect. But I saw on someone's FB a really good way to look at it. We should be thankful all year round, but we still have Thanksgiving. We should be celebrating Christ's birth all year round, but we still have Christmas. We should love our mothers and fathers every moment, but they still have special days too. Valentine's Day is just a day to show some EXTRA love.
So, to all my precious Valentine's- Mom, Dad, Morgan (Shane and Lexie), Savannah, Brooklyn, Liberty, all my aunts and uncles and my cousins, Hanna, Robin, Allysa, and all my friends.... I LOVE YOU!
Hope you all had a Happy Heart Day :)
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